Are you on the hunt for a new Bible study? Maybe you’ve skimmed the pages of Esther and Ruth and know a high-level version of their stories, but you’re interested in learning more details about their courageous acts of faith. Or maybe you’re curious about finding a Bible study to follow with your friends or small group, but you have no clue where to begin searching. Look no further, my friend!
Below you will find a list of studies about women in the Bible, as well as studies that dive into Jesus’ views on women, the Proverbs 31 woman, and key characteristics of godly women. I’ve included a few reasons why I like each study, the length of each, as well as whether the study is suited for small groups. I pray you find the next study you’re looking for here and that with every study you read, lead, or participate in, you develop a closer relationship with Jesus.
10 Bible Studies on Women in the Bible
Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now by Kristi McLelland
This Bible study is a seven-session, “we’re diving deep into Scripture,” meaty option for small groups. Kristi begins Jesus and Women by helping us understand the historical and cultural climate of the Middle Eastern society Jesus lived in to help us appreciate Him more deeply. Throughout the study, Kristi teaches us about how Jesus ministered to women then and how He continues to minister to women today. There are video teachings that coincide with the written study, so gather with your friends, pop some popcorn, and as Kristi says, prepare to “feast” upon God’s Word.
Esther: Seeing God When He Is Silent by The Daily Grace Co.
If you’re familiar with The Daily Grace Co., you know their studies are not only well-written, they’re pretty, too! This three-week study is great to do on your own or in a small group setting. If you choose to complete this study in a small group, there’s an optional separate leader’s guide. The pages of this study are decorated with photos of lush landscapes and pastel flowers that will make you want to smell the pages. I highly recommend this study if you’re looking for a short, verse-by-verse read with thoughtful commentary, memory verses, and practical reflection questions.
Ruth: Loss, Love, & Legacy by Kelly Minter
Even though the book of Ruth begins with tremendous loss, Kelly Minter helps us see that God’s hand never leaves His people. This Bible study offers seven sessions of written content as well as video content from Kelly Minter that can be purchased along with your book. There’s also a Bible study book for teen girls. If you’re not in a small group but you have a mentee or a teenager in your life, this study could be a great option for you to do together.
Abigail: Living with the Difficult People in Your Lifeby Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Each of us can point to someone who makes life complicated, right? Whether it’s your spouse, coworker, sibling, or friend, we all know that person. One woman in the Bible who knew about dealing with a challenging person and the complicated circumstances that often follow was Abigail. Through this six-week study, you’ll learn how Abigail chose the way of wisdom, hope, and faith, and be empowered to do the same. This Bible study can be done on your own or in the company of a small group.
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life by Joanna Weaver
This book is a twelve-week study on the lives of Martha and Mary—two ladies I think every woman can relate to. Our lives aren’t all that different from the lives of these sisters from Bethany. We long to sit at the Lord’s feet, but our daily demands pile up at times, leaving us tired and defeated. Joanna Weaver shows how all of us, Marys and Marthas alike, can draw closer to our Lord as we deepen our devotion, strengthen our service, and experience greater joy. This study is perfect for small groups, and the book includes a study guide and offers a video series online.
Famous In Heaven & At Home: A 31-Day Character Study of the Proverbs 31 Woman by Michelle Myers
Have you ever read Proverbs 31 and thought to yourself, “How am I supposed to be all of these characteristics all of the time?” Here’s good news: Michelle Myers helps us see we are capable of living life like a Proverbs 31 woman through God’s matchless grace and power (not our own). This thirty-one-day study is a great option if you’re a woman on the go because you can read and complete each day at your own pace. Friend, I know how it goes: you pick up a Bible study and aim to finish it in the allotted timeframe, but sometimes a thirty-one-day study turns into forty-five. I get it. This study is a great option if you need to put it down, then pick it back up again.
Ten Women of the Bible: One by One They Changed the World by Max Lucado with Jenna Lucado Bishop
If you’re looking for a stand-alone workbook, this option may be a winner for you. In this ten-lesson study guide, Max Lucado highlights ten women in the Bible and teaches us how God shattered cultural barriers to use their lives for His glory. Each lesson includes daily readings, prayers, thoughtful reflection questions, and space for you to answer those reflection questions. I love this type of study for a small group, but you can also benefit from completing this study on your own.
Brave and Beloved: A Bible Study Exploring the Wisdom and Diversity of Women of the Bible by Meredith Storrs
Brave and Beloved is a twenty-lesson Bible study about thirty key women in the Bible, from the more widely known Eve and Ruth to the less often studied Deborah and Jael. You’ll learn about God’s design for womanhood and how Jesus welcomed women from all walks of life. This study is a pretty one, with bright colors and beautiful illustrations inside that make you want to keep turning the pages. If you’re looking for a study to do on your own, this is a great option. Bonus: this study could make a lovely gift for a friend.
Daughters of Grace: The Women of the Bible and the God of Grace by The Daily Grace Co.
As I mentioned earlier, any study done by The Daily Grace Co. is coffee table worthy, and this book is no different. Daughters of Grace offers a six-week, verse-by-verse Bible study along with commentary, memory verses, and practical reflection questions. In Daughters of Grace, you’ll read the stories of twenty-eight women in the Bible, understand the character of God as seen in the lives of these women, and explore the significance of women in the Church. Similar to The Daily Grace Co. Esther study, this book is conducive to completing it by yourself or in the company of a small group.
Becoming a Woman of Excellence by Cynthia Heald
This study is not about a particular woman in the Bible, but I’d recommend it to any woman interested in learning more about how God views excellence, regardless of your stage of life. Although Becoming a Woman of Excellence was released over thirty years ago, the encouraging messages inside still apply to women today. In this twelve-chapter book, you’ll read short devotionals, insights from theologians, and have space to journal your reflections and prayers as you discover what it means to become a godly woman of excellence. Like several other studies mentioned in this blog, Becoming a Woman of Excellence is fit for personal reading as well as group study.
So, what are some of your favorite women’s Bible studies on women in the Bible? Share your top picks in the comments below!
Mandy Johnson is a writer and speaker who loves encouraging women in their faith. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, Kyle, and their two children, Luke and Caroline. Mandy’s devotions have been published by Proverbs 31 Ministries, the Truly Co. magazine, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and more. When Mandy isn’t writing, you can find her spending time with her family, leading a fitness class at Fit Factory Nashville, or cheering on the Clemson Tigers! You can read more from Mandy at or follow her on Instagram at @mandycjohnson.
4 Responses
How to choose? All of your recommendations are worthy of our time. Your explanations are a huge help to making the decision for sure. What is great about this, is we see just how important women were and are in furthering the Kingdom of God and Jesus’ message. Thank you for a great resource!
Thank you!!
I will be doing a women’s Bible study on women in the Bible. I am praying that you have material that can help and guide me through this.
Esther Press doesn’t currently have a Bible study about the women of the Bible specifically, but they do have quite a few great studies if you’d like to check them out!