6 Prayers for Encouragement on Life’s Toughest Days

“How do you know someone needs encouragement? They’re breathing.” — S. Truett Cathy

This quote from entrepreneur, philanthropist, and believer S. Truett Cathy is a simply-stated reminder that encouragement is vital for us all. If you are living and breathing on this side of heaven, you need encouragement. The parallel between encouragement and air is profound—both are invisible yet incredibly critical to our lives here on earth.

By definition, the word encouragement is the act of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. Whether you are the chief encouragement officer in your circles or you are the one seeking encouragement to keep pressing on, my hope is that these prayers for encouragement will be a breath of life to you.

A Daily Prayer for Encouragement

Lord God,

Today is a new day. You have blessed me to see the rising of the sun, and for that, I give you praise. Your Word says, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22–23).

I open my heart to receive Your steadfast love today. Use me to be a vessel for Your glory. Whether on my job, running errands, or with loved ones, I pray for the strength and grace to move throughout my day, encouraged by Your Word and Your love for me, heavenly Father.

Today’s gift of life is evidence that there is purpose in Your plan for me. Thank You for another day to live for You.


A Prayer for Encouragement when Grieving

Heavenly Father,

I come to You with a heavy heart as I grieve this loss or separation. As a believer, I find hope that Romans 8:35 tells me that neither tribulation nor distress can separate me from Your love, but I’d be lying if I said my heart wasn’t heavy with the weight of grief right now.

My prayer for encouragement today is that You hold me near, Father. Send the comfort of the Holy Spirit to me right now, Lord. You are my hope, my peace, my joy, and my God.

I will surrender my hurt and pain to You here and now. I trust that You will see me through this season, and that Your Word will bring light into my darkest days.


A Prayer for Encouragement when Weary

Dear Lord,

I come to You today with a weary spirit. Many things are not as I have planned, and I feel apart from You. Breathe fresh anointing over me, Father God.

My prayer today is that You help me rest my soul in Your everlasting arms. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” I cling to this verse today, Father God.

While I am weary in this season, I remind myself this shall pass. With You, Lord, I can press on into a new day. Fill me up with Your Holy Spirit, restore my vigor, and renew in me a refreshed spirit. I trust You to be my present help today, Lord.


A Prayer for Encouragement for Parents

Father God,

Thank You for the gift of my children. Your Word says in Psalm 127:3 that “children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him” (NLT). I thank You, God, for the blessing that my children bring to my life.

My prayer today is that I lean on You, Your Word, and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit as their earthly parent. I pray that I am equipped and refreshed daily to speak into my children according to Your will and Your way, Lord.

Help me see each of my children as You see them, Father. Allow my words to instruct, train, teach, and bless them. Wrap Your mighty hands around them, Lord—as a shield of protection from the wicked ways of the enemy. Give them the wisdom and discernment to seek You in all of their relationships and decisions.

May the teachings of Your Word come alive in the hearts and minds of my children today and all the days of their lives.


A Prayer for Encouragement over a Marriage

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for creating the covenant of marriage—a covenant that I’ve made between You and my spouse. Today, I pray this prayer for encouragement over my marriage.

Help my spouse and I to bond together in new and unique ways. Refresh our vows daily to see and serve each other. First Corinthians 16:14 says to “do everything with love,” (NLT) and I pray this Scripture washes over every aspect of my marriage. Pour Your grace over our union daily, Lord.

In Your holy name, amen.

A Prayer for Encouragement when in Need

Lord God,

I come before You with a need—a need You already know of and a need I know You will see me through. As I’m waiting for the need to be fulfilled, allow me to keep my eyes on You, Father.

In Psalm 23:1, Your Word tells me, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” My prayer over myself today, Lord, is that I will see that I lack for nothing because You are my shepherd.

I believe that You are making a way for me as I pray this prayer now, Father. I know You to be a waymaker, and I am secure in what You can do. May I remember that You made dry paths through bodies of water to bring Your people out of slavery, You brought water out of rocks to quench their thirst, and You rained bread from heaven to nourish their bodies.

I seek You for this, Lord. Help me to maintain my focus, stamina, and endurance to apply my faith and work to what You have for me. I trust in You alone, Lord.


An engaged prayer life will indeed give life to your days. Prayers can also provide encouragement, support, hope, and light to those you encounter who are in different seasons of life.

Remain steadfast in your prayers, my friend. Whether you pray these prayers for encouragement for yourself or someone else, the Lord God hears every word lifted.

photo of Angela Reed

Angela Reed is a naturally caffeinated communicator and connector who is passionate about people and the stories we all possess. She is committed to stewarding her God-given gifts as a speaker, writer, corporate program leader, and creative to connect and inspire others around the world and right next door. Angela attributes her southern upbringing as the foundation for her adoration of magnolia trees, historic homes, classic cars, and homemade lemonade!