Christian Books for Women
Steadfast through PSALMS
We often think of prayer as a last resort. This in-depth look at David’s psalms shows us that prayer is so much more: It is a beautiful way to anchor ourselves in God’s heart. In Steadfast through Psalms, Lauren Mitchell writes to all who long to pray with the passion of David but don’t know how to get there.
Being Fully Known
Are you weary of the pressure to do more when you long to be more of who God created you to be? Step into your God-given, joy-filled identity as you follow the mentoring of the Holy Spirit through this life-changing guide.
God’s Got You
When we face life transitions – such as a move, divorce, loss of something dear to us, or just a new unfamiliar season or phase of life – we need reminders that even when we feel out of control, God is in control and we can embrace the opportunities ahead of us.
Momma Moments with God
From newborn days to the teen years, mothering is a rewarding, but sometimes lonely, calling. The short, daily doses of biblical wisdom and sisterly camaraderie in Momma Moments with God encourage moms to find strength from their heavenly Father.
Each One Reach One
Many of us want to talk about our faith with others, but we feel unprepared and uncomfortable. Written for Christians who want to live with more boldness and purpose, Each One Reach One equips us.
Entrusted to Lead
Cultivate Your Gifts. Build Your Confidence. Discover Your God-Given Influence.
Peace in the Waiting
Through compassionate guidance and encouragement, Peace in the Waiting helps us navigate the grief, confusion, and urgency we feel for our loved ones who don’t follow Jesus.
Life Is Messy, God Is Good
The ordinary can be messy—but God is there. As Cynthia Yanof shares authentic—and often hilarious—glimpses into her stories, she helps shift our perspectives to understand God’s greater purposes, even in the seemingly ordinary places of our lives.
Warrior of Eden
There’s a reason you’ve always known God has big plans for you—He’s created you with great purpose! In this transformative, biblically based book, Beth Guckenberger draws on God’s original intention for women to embolden us to use our gifts as full participants at church, at work, and at home.
A Table in the Wilderness
Feast on God’s goodness as you explore the physical and spiritual tables of Scripture such as the Passover table, the wedding table at Cana, and the table of the Lord’s Supper.
Purpose Doesn’t Pause
Feeling confused, stuck, or simply lost about who you are and where you’re going? You still have everything you need to live purposefully.
She’s Not Your Enemy
Jenn Schultz grew up knowing God, but it took decades to understand that His love and acceptance have nothing to do with our performance, and that He isn’t impatient with our imperfections.
Your God Knows
This powerful six-session Bible study reminds us that God is ever-present, always working, and forever faithful, no matter how weary or abandoned we may feel.
Praying for Your Child From Head to Toe
God has given parents the privilege of shaping not just a human being but an eternal soul. Sometimes that responsibility can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to prayer.
Fall in Love with God’s Word
For many Christian women, the constant demands of family, pursuing a career, and managing a household leave little time or energy for anything else. As a result, more than half of women struggle to read God’s Word as much as they’d like.
Love Life Again
In Love Life Again, Tracie reminds readers they each get only one life to live and inspires them not to take it for granted. Through compelling personal stories and powerful insights from Scripture, she helps women identify the stumbling blocks to their joy and offers tools and insights to take back control of their happiness.
Unsinkable Faith
Unsinkable Faith is a breath of fresh air for anyone longing for a heart full of joy, an unbreakable smile, and a new, more optimistic perspective on life.
Living Unbroken Workbook
The Living Unbroken Divorce Recovery Workbook is uniquely geared for women-only small groups.
Living Unbroken
Unlike other books on divorce, Living Unbroken takes a deep dive into understanding and overcoming the emotional toll divorce, separation, and the loss of a serious long-term relationship has on a woman’s well-being.
She Belongs
God doesn’t want you to spend your life trying to keep it together. Find the peace, security, and purpose Jesus promises when you find your place in the body of Christ.
She Smiles without Fear
With the Proverbs 31 woman as a guide, Katy McCown takes readers on a five-week journey to discover how to find security in God’s plans and confidence in His control.
Pray with Me
This grace-filled, practical book on praying with your kids empowers you to teach children how they can develop a personal relationship with God through prayer.
Do the Thing
Create with God what makes your heart come alive! Part practical guide, part inspiring manifesto, this gospel-rooted book for women entrepreneurs and leaders empowers you to discover and live out your calling.
Image RESTored
This whole-person, interactive approach to body image includes coloring sheets, journaling prompts, and therapist insights that ground you in God’s love and build you up in truth.
Through The Desert
This 6-week interactive video-based Bible study of God’s faithfulness during difficult times invites you to experience a fresh move of God in your life even in spiritual deserts.
You Are Unshaken
Learn how to wield God’s Word as a weapon against anxiety, shame, and fear, so you can remain unshaken in our changing world.
Follow God’s Will
While Scripture is full of wisdom and advice, it isn’t always easy to know how God’s Word in the Bible—written thousands of years ago—should apply to our lives now. As a result, many Christian women wrestle with the question “What does God want me to do—both in general and in the specific situations I face each day?”
Take Back Your Joy
After experiencing a number of traumatic events in the space of a decade (assault, depression, miscarriage, cancer), Nicole Jacobsmeyer was left feeling defeated and ill-prepared for the trials she faced. With a devastated heart full of questions about the God she was raised to love, Nicole questioned if He had given her more than she could handle.
Stand in Confidence
Culture, church, and life have sold women narratives about who they’re supposed to be. If they play the part well, they gain love, acceptance, validation, and significance.